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Repositories - Nokia N900

To Enable the repositories Extras, Extras-Testing and Extras-Devel in the N900 Just follow excatly the next steps:

1 - Go to the App Manager
2 - Chose Aplication Catalogues
3-  Insert the following information for each repository you want to add.


Repository Extras.

 Extras is a repository where they are applications that are tested properly and compatible, with a perfect functionality.
If you erase this repository you can return to install it. In applications manager we create the catalogue with the following information:
Also you can do click here on your N900 to install it automatically.

Repository Extras-Testing.

Extra testing Repositories Extras, Extras Devel and Extras Testing for Nokia N900

This repository adds manually. Extras-Testing contains the new applications that have not yet been tested and verified.
In applications manager we created the catalog:
Also you can do click here on your N900 to install it automatically.

Repository Extras-Devel.

Extra devel Repositories Extras, Extras Devel and Extras Testing for Nokia N900

This repository also adds manually. In Extras-Devel we find applications in the early stages of development or version “alpha”. This repository is the least indicated for the end users, since its operation can have too many problems. however there is a lot of apps that you can only find whit this repository.
To install the repository Extras-Devel we are going to applications manager and created the catalog with the following information:
Also you can do click here on your N900 to install it automatically.

1 comentário:

  1. i lost my catalogues my problem , is that i cant instal nothing by the app manager , say always "operacion fail" i can instal nothing
